Hyatt Center 71 South Wacker | Chicago | USA alphamesh 12.0 acero inoxidable

With an extraordinary installation, artist and designer James Carpenter has illuminated the two lobbies and entrances of 71 South Wacker Drive (Hyatt Center) in Chicago. The James Carpenter Design Associates Inc. is recognized for its lighting concepts with distinctive use of natural light.
The result is an installation of two diaphanous, curving light sculptures titled “Suspended Light Veils”, hanging from the atrium skylight grid into each lobby. The light veils are made of polished stainless steel ring mesh. Depending on the time of day, the steel rings of reflective mesh respond differently to the natural light coming from the skylight. The sculpture is also illuminated by spotlights from above and LED lights from within the veil. With a width of 9 feet in diameter and a height of 29 feet, the veils float approximately 13 feet above the floor.
Additionally, vitrines have been placed at each lobby entry with a series of five, freestanding luminous light screens. The light screens are of the same ring mesh material used in the light sculptures and serve as blinds as well as lighting element.

Project: Hyatt Center 71 South Wacker, Chicago, Illinois | Country: USA
Photo credits: Jim Sinsheimer | Material: alphamesh 12.0 stainless steel | Quantity: aprox. 350 m²

alphamesh 12.0 – acero inoxidable: